Sunday, November 24, 2013


Welcome Author 

T. M. Brown

I was born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland. I currently live in NE Pennsylvania.   I have a BA in Psychology and a Master’s degree in Systems Engineer.  I don’t have a lot of friends but the ones I have are the best!  I love two amazing people that I get to call my kids, Michael and Melissa.

Personal favs:
Drink – Coffee
Vacation – Off the beaten path.  No tourist traps for me please!
TV show – Scandal, Luther, The Voice
Movie – The Painted Veil, Out of Africa, and Gaslight
Book – Too many to mention. Recently read Adrienne Thompson’s Your Love is King, and loved it.

Book title:  
Struggles of the Women Folk

Brief synopsis of your book:
This is the story of a young black girl growing up in the South in the 1940’s who dreams of a better life.  Through her story, she shares her heartaches, loss, romance and relationship with God.  The one constant is her faith.  Don’t expect a “clean” Christian novel. The dialogue is authentic, raw and engaging.
Current book or project you’re working on:  Sequel to Struggles of the Women Folk.  So new, it does not have a title yet.

What was the inspiration for your novel?  My readers are my inspiration.  They are ALWAYS asking for more and I want to give it to them!

Please share three interesting facts about your book which are not covered in the synopsis.
1.   There are lots of twists and turns.
2.   You’ll need to get your tissues out.
3.   The cover is based on a painting that I did years ago, with no knowledge of its future use.

Are there any characters in your book that remind you of yourself?
I see myself in all my characters…Either the person I am or the person I could be under similar circumstances.


What genre does your book fall into?  Inspirational storyteller.

Which genres do you write? Fiction and non-fiction.

Have you ever read a book you couldn’t finish reading? It’s getting easier to publish now days.  Like anything else, some have skill, others do not.

Do you read a book, while you are writing a book?  Sometimes, I feel that I need to take a break from my writing.  When this happens, yes, I catch-up on my reading.

The process:

How many books have you written? Which book is your favourite and why?  So far, there are three.   A Life Not My Own was my 1st, Struggles of the Women Folk-recently released, and Just Between Us –a short story collection that I contributed to with several amazing independent authors. 
Selena Haskins (Author)
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Author of "Struggles of the Women Folk"

Co-Author of "Just Between Us"

Author of "A Life Not My Own"

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