Monday, November 25, 2013

Welcome Author Vickey Kall!


Vickey Kall

Author bio:
Baby Boomer Vickey Kall left corporate America around 15 years ago to put her Master Plan into operation. She returned to school, scored a Masters Degree, and began writing for a living. Yeah, she expected to make a living at that. She was naive, ok?
The end of 2013 is the point in the Master Plan code-named "Unbridled Success," and YOU can be a part of it! Buy Vickey's book now. Buy several copies and give them as gifts. Demand she be featured on Oprah! Force the media moguls and Wall Street movers to pay attention! It's up to you, and you, and you--an all the other good little girls and boys I see in my Magic Mirror.
Oops, did I go a bit overboard there?

Brief synopsis of your book:
The Boomer Book of Christmas Memories is collection of the true and sometimes wacky stories behind the fads and holiday traditions that Baby Boomers cherish. Who dreamed up aluminum trees? What kids' game originated in a polio ward? Which toy designer was married to Zsa Zsa Gabor? The Boomer Book of Christmas Memories reveals all this and more! Read about the decorations, foods, songs, TV specials, and most especially the toys of the era--from the late 1940s through the 1960s.

Book title:

The Boomer Book 

of Christmas Memories

Current book or project you’re working on:

What was the inspiration for your novel?
I don't know! I honestly don't remember what sparked the idea, and it bothers me now.

Please share three interesting facts about your book which are not covered in the synopsis.
1) The inventor of the Slinky went wild with partying, then got religion and started stuffing Bible tracts into the Slinky boxes with the toys. He left his family to become a missionary in Bolivia.

2) Paramount pictures wanted $2500.00 to allow me to use a still from the movie White Christmas in the book. (I declined)

3) Many things--like StingRay bicycles, Hula Hoops, SuperBalls and Silly Putty, came about through the most random and bizarre sequences of events, it's almost unbelievable.

Who is the most complex character from your current novel?
N/A--unless it's that crazy Slinky inventor

Are there any characters in your book that remind you of yourself?
N/A--there really aren't any characters in my book. It's nonfiction.

If you could pick any well known or famous author to review your book who would you pick and why?
Stephen King!  He's a Boomer, he appreciates good writing and good stories, and I think he'd love the book.


What genre does your book fall into?
Pop culture, history, or nostalgia.

What is the first book you remember reading, that affected how you thought or felt about something?
Probably fairy tales. Those stories affected how I thought about women, or girls older than me, about what made a good story, and a lot more. Because of that I can understand why some get so angry over fairy tales that constantly portray women as victims who must be rescued. Hey, I bought into that for a long time!

Which three authors have inspired you the most, and why?
1) J. R. R. Tolkien--I discovered him in the 60s, and suddenly realized that fantasy--pure, unadulterated fantasy--was permissible.

2) Isabel Allende, because she mixes history and fantasy so delightfully.
3) Barbara Tuchman, whose history books were so lively and interesting
And the last two are examples--I could easily have named others. But Tolkien is unique.

Have you ever read a book you couldn’t finish reading?
All the time. Life is too short to force yourself to read books you don't enjoy.

Do you read a book, while you are writing a book?
Yes, because I need a break from myself, and a good book can be very inspiring.

The process:

How many books have you written? Which book is your favourite and why?
Four: Two that were never published, then The Boomer Book of Christmas Memories and Death Speaker, a historical novel. I love them both, but the novel has more of an emotional impact.

Is there anything that helps get you in the mood to write?
Not really.  I'm almost always in the mood--unless I'm really tired. I don't even like the idea that someone shouldn't write without being in the mood. You have to write; you can't wait for the right mood.

What were three challenges you faced when writing your book?
1) The decision to go with full color pictures and titles, etc. I didn't want to because of the expense, but my book designer (wonderful person!) convinced me by showing me how the book would look in color. It was just too beautiful to ignore.

2) Digging for information. I love research, though, so I didn't hate that part--but it was challenging at times.

3) Deciding what to include. For instance, I took out a section on Sea Monkeys because it wasn't really a Christmas gift. And where do you draw the line in talking about how the Barbie doll was developed? It's fascinating and weird, but a whole book in itself.

What lessons have you learned as an aspiring writer?
It is absolutely worth the investment to have your book edited and proofed. Don't scrimp on this--we all need it!  And don't scrimp on the cover either, because that is what all potential readers first see.

Do you ever experience writer’s block? If so what helps you to ‘overcome’?
No. I've heard a wonderful writer named Taffy Brodesser-Akner talk about that. If you are supporting yourself, you just cannot afford to indulge writers block. Just write, and keep writing.

What is the most important thing you’ve learned, either in the self-publishing or traditional publisher, route?
It changes constantly. What you experienced a year ago when self-publishing will not be your experience today, and if you took a class in self-publishing two years ago, everything you learned could be obsolete.

How long does it usually take for you to complete a book?
The first one took over five years, the second 18 months. But they're such different books that I don't know if that means anything.

Do you have any ideas for your book and Hollywood? Actors, directors, music.

Which book to movie conversion is your favourite?
Probably the latest Great Gatsby. I love the book, but it was not written to be a movie. Robert Redford staged a very beautiful and faithful movie of it in the 70s, and that puts me to sleep now. The new movie takes many liberties--including the music, which was a deal-breaker for some--but I thought Baz Luhrman captured the excitement and made the characters understandable in a way that they never were before.

Do you watch a lot of science fiction or fantasy movies?

Do you study science, the planets, history or anything special to help you with your writing?
Absolutely. This book was a complete and total immersion in history. Every page--every sentence is backed up by research. But even with the novel, research is crucial because your readers are smart. If you tell them that a full moon rose at noon, they may throw your book away and tell everyone else not to read it. So you must do research.

What, who, and when were you first inspired you to write?
A small spiral notebook and a copy of Peter Pan that I read in school around the 2nd grade. I wanted to write that book so badly that when I came home from school every day I wrote that story in my notebook, as well as I could remember it.

Personal favs:
Drink – Coffee  
Food – Pastries and candy bars.
Vacation – France, but on a tour so I don't have to stress out over my weak knowledge of the language.
TV show – Once Upon A Time     
Movie – Lord of the Rings or Pirates of the Caribbean will always grab my attention      
Animal – My dog
Sport – Whatever my grandsons are playing
Book – OH, hard! There are so many great ones!  Harry Potter, today.

How can people connect with you?
Website/Blog:, or
Twitter: @VKHistory
Facebook: Boomer Book of Christmas, or Vickey Kall
Goodreads: Vickey Kall

Where can readers find your book? 
On Amazon:

Honestly, that is the best place. Retail/bookstores will not carry it because, in order to keep the price under $40, I can't give them the discount they need.  So please go to Amazon for the full-color  Boomer Book of Christmas Memories, in either eBook ($5.99) or print ($38.)

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